Melanie Krause, Chief Operating Officer, IRS
As Chief Operating Officer for the Internal Revenue Service, Melanie is responsible for the major operational and administrative functions which enable the IRS mission, including the following offices: Chief Financial Officer; Chief Risk Office; Facilities Management and Security Services; Human Capital Office; Lifting Communities Up; Procurement; Privacy, Governmental Liaison and Disclosure; as well as Research, Applied Analytics and Statistics.
Following an impactful tenure with Veterans Affairs as the Assistant Inspector General for Management and Administration, Melanie joined the IRS in October 2021 as the Chief Data & Analytics Officer. In this role she coordinated research activities to advance areas of strategic importance to the Service including new or expanded customer service and enforcement initiatives, developing strategies for addressing emerging issues, and better measuring the full impact of IRS budget and compliance actions.
Although she left clinical practice in 2009, Melanie maintains an active license as a registered nurse and is a proud “Badger” as she holds bachelor, master, and doctoral degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She dedicates her spare time to family, friends, and various outdoor hobbies including skiing and camping.
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